Show & Tell in -GGX COMMUNITY-


First Thumbnail...

We just hit 1,000 followers one Five Nights at Bonnies Remastered! Thank you all so much!

Placeholder thumbnail made with the old assets of the first version of the game, and I've now completely ran out of behind the scenes stuff to show lol

The old Bonnie's game over screen

brb guys, we're gonna bring gas into this now cuz uh yes.

also, have freddy man cuz yes. (model is by: YourOgreLord/SteelWoolStudios/Springreg) for credits :P

The TDHIAW demo may come out next week, stay tuned!


Drawing of the Kirby's Adventure (Japanese version) title screen.

Originally made in September 2021.

Three more fan game desktop wallpapers made with the game files, this time of the Five Nights at Thomas's: Rerailed trilogy.


Random fun fact: