memes in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!

Steamed Yevon (A Steamed Hams Parody based on the fact that "Industrial Society and its Future" is similar to the Teachings of Yevon


Nintendo when they use their lawyers in a nutshell... #nintendo #ceaseanddesist

Ty again lukelcs helpline who i didn’t alreadyn't known't

Context in article

This is to rate this agent 5 stars, I have placed my order for lukelcs on amazon and am waiting for him now :D

Another RPG Maker Web Expand Dong

Your waifu is not real

You are in-love with a picture


As a Saturn owner myself I'm not pleased that I have to be an Arabian Oil Tycoon in order to afford the games. :(

This is perfect.

Please never change this XD


Gordon Fails His Coffee Break


Go Go Gadget Colonoscopy