motivational_stuff in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!
“Celestial Question”
Poem by me
congratulations @LUKELCS for 1500 followers :)

Basically how I deal with negativity.
(I just did this simply & crudely for the sake of time)
Step 1 : get it outta my system.
Step 2 : think some positive things and make me feel a little less horrible.
Step 3 : encourage myself to keep going.
Step 4 :
So, I got up at 7:30 today after having stayed up till 2 in the morning.
Because I like to suffer, that's why.
fun fact!
Without art, there would be no: video games, movies, comics, designs, logos, music, covers for anything, any type of concept art, cartoons, anime, manga, fashion, furniture, books, plays & performances
art is essential! don't say otherwise!
When I get to 550 followers I wanna do something special!
Which should I do?
28 votes Voting finished

When I said Alicia was going to make me a turkey for Thanksgiving, this wasn't what I had in mind. XD
Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
And... I have a little message for you in the article. Don't worry, it's short.

19 people have the #BeRespectful in their name, and that's really nice to see.
It means a lot that so many people joined in to help, even if it's just a # in the name, I think it still counts for something.
Now let's all try to live up to that # 😊
It doesn't matter what you have, or what you accomplish, it's the relationships you build in this life that matter.
And if you spend your whole life focusing on goals, then all that truly matters will pass you by, and you'll regret it.