Anniversary Creations of JJS in The Jax Justun Studios Community: Population: The Future Games will Start with YOU!!!
Welcome to THE JAX JUSTUN STUDIOS COMMUNITY page! Where my future games start with me and U!
Hello folks, the people from Draxx Dustun Studios want to apologies for the lack of future parody updates during Thanksgiving Day of 2024!!!!! Looks like that the holidays had also effected our parody work schedules as well too!!!!
So, we all know that Jax Justun Studios was kind of slow with their official parody/future updates, but that was because that they're still getting ready for the rest of their #210thYearAnniversaryEvent and everything!!!!!
Jax Justun Studios Video #45 - (Created on: November 26th, 2024) It's been 26 whole wide days now, and Thanksgiving of 2024's like right around the corner!! Apparently in like two days of course!!!!!
What's happening everybody!!! Sorry for them future updates for today/tonight you guys!!! Dishwashing job as always folks!!! Anyways, I have an important and quick announcement for tonight/today here folks!!!!
Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well so far as always!!! Just letting you all know that the official #JJSvideos will be sorted out into smaller parts!!!!! From one small part to another!!!
November 21st, 2024, it's been years since this parody disaster had occurred in them parody walls of the official Drxx Dustun Studios facility!!!
Well everybody, after hours on end, the official #44thJJSvideo has finally been created!!!! Sorry if that took so long to make you guys!!!! 2.75 Hours wasn't the best moments ever!!!!
Hello folks!!! Sorry for the lack of future updates for today!!! I was very busy and everything!!! Same goes for Jax Justun Studios here!!!! Both Haxx Hustun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios included as well too!!!!
Nightmare Critter Parody Poster #4 (For Allister Gator) - (Created on: November 12th, 2024) It's now twelve days now since the last #NCParodyPoster was created!!! And now Draxx Dustun Studios has finally been returned with another one here!!!!
Ibaalymsf'z Ha Dhy Klzaybjapvu IHDKPuj, aolf'yl mpuhsf olyl ha svun shza!!! 5a 48 44 20 50 55 4a 27 5a 20 5a 41 50 53 53 20 48 53 50 43 4c 21 21 21