LinaW Friends&Family in The LinaWorker Community

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You drew one of my friends or maybe one of my family member that supper cool thx you, this is the chat were you can send that
please don't forget to mark your name on it so no one can steal it

Pretty much just doing this so I can maybe get people to Join #Freshpril because I don't want it to got to waste

anyway this #Akreus a older discord friend of mine who I have drawn ones, his #character is a #FreshSans #AU so fitting for #Day2

Me & Friends as my own Pokémon Ideas UwU
+ my "BlueFireCat" which I accidentally turned into a WaterCat T^T

Posting the Sketch just Incase I don't make it in time

Also @MichaelMayonnaise made his own version of my versions UwU

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Mel, Willow & Eliza FanArt for @Willow_The_Hippogriff

I think it turd out alright, still could have been better I feel like, but oh well.

this was the first drawing of the second row that I had finish, it also the last one I upload which is funny to me

@Victoree & @Draxis FanArt

Love is in the Air tonight~ and our two #Furry #Lovers are #Kissing with #Love UwU

Second Picture from the Second Row, sorry that it is late

Go Follow Victoree & Draxis Please