Art of LinaW & Her Character in The LinaWorker Community

Share your creations!

you have fan art for me ? that so nice
feel free to send it in here for me to see!
please don't forget to mark your name on it so no one can steal it


I can Blink now. Turned it on very fast accidentally lul decided I gotta record this because is funny lul

MarliriaTsuru Floating on the Water

Been meaning to finish this one for a while now, & now I finally did more or less by accident.

I wanted to color the sketch & then pretty much redraw the hole thing or upload the colored sketch but instead I finished it

My little Monster Creature Eating some Noodles

I drew quit a bit of stuff wrong but at least the rendering is kind of nice. Well still could be better though

The Little Monster is eating Noodles.. or something that meant to represent noodles at least

I decided to draw my own pyro version ^^

based of @MichaelMayonnaise outload for me ^^

Note: this is not on any team it's just me playing around ^^