All Posts in Megaman X

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We are looking for a sprite coder for a megaman fangame x here is the page of the game:

es el ataque furro xd

One question, does anyone have the SCRIPT SRC MOTION from megaman x?

I really need a sprite artist for the project It's More alone 3 people coder/director 3 a beta tester and the manager 1 is that you can help us in the project you are welcome in the game.

We are looking for a sprite artist for a mageman x fan game please


Defeating Colonel No-Damage (Fourth Armor) in Mega Man X4.


Defeating Kaiser Sigma (Sigma's final form in X3) using the Z-saber

fireman stage select remake


Getting the Golden Armor in Mega Man X3

MMX3 demake title (made by Drafex14 from delta works team)