Art and Fanart ๐Ÿ–Œ in MemeFurry Community

what you llike to post about

me eep and mah frens as plushiesssssssss @DarckyTheFrench @CattoNamedFlea

Hepy Easter, I was not paying attention.

Anyways heres Alice so far. I got distracted and didn't finish it, probably ganna make the body next.


Tiny child

Meanwhile in Yip's corner of the room.....

He now has ears :)


Guys look, itโ€™s sonic the hedgehog

gotta go fast :P

He gotsa go fest


Another WIP of the Alice, now Ima sit back for a bit, I needa water.

Looks like a ear to me.

AXDR's Cuteness Face!

Isn't he Adorable?