All Posts in Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Heroz Community
alpha 0.0.8
'the zombies are coming... from the graves!!! while the undeads make the green void a mess, finish them of with REAL gatling pea and .... wallnut i guess?’
Plants Vs. Zombies has slowly become a joke.
This is what the lawn design will fully look like if it is voted in.
Comment what you all think below!
Which design do you prefer?
what is the moral of this video?
(p.s. pea and snow pea all deal 20 damage nomally but pea deals physical damage while snow pea deals ice damage)
*important* announcement
This will be how exactly pvz idk will look lilke ;)
I'm thinking of having the first alpha be more like a demo.. Similar to the new PVZ 3 Alpha, just letting you all play random concept levels... Just to give you all a taste of the game once a good portion is ready!
Do you think you all would like that?