All Posts in RaptorGuyProduction CM

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Alright guys, game is actually not ready yet

But I have a new suggestion, Raptor Guy's sprite in game Will be animated 3d model from blender

I'll try to model it myself

But also if I can't, then I would ask someone to help

Hello guys!

Today,I will send to some people individual the Wacky Worlds Google Disc Files! (Note:I will send people I know,and if they want it)

ANd another spoiler,there's nothing special yet

But please,you're must not leak the files!

I just want to post for fun my bio :V

To save

Cause I little want to change it soon

Well, this game is still developing

So let's talk about the status of this game

Okay, so

Time has come

I comeback the game

In this April

Just to end this part

So I hope this game have a good next life

What have I done...

Good morning my folks!

Today i want to show you all some of my future games and plans,that I would create in near future

read article to see them

(If you interested)



Ok guys, I think I'm slowly coming out of despair

Perhaps to attract more audience,

/I will duplicate posts in English

/Я буду дублировать посты на русский

/Und ich werde es auf Deutsch duplizieren

Ну что же, Wir werden sehen, was passiert

And see ya!


Still lonely Ziema...