Whatever The Fuck in The Fox Guy Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate

I woke up this morning pissed as usual but then I saw this and I'm still pissed just a bit less

4th of march update/dev log!



(repost because yes)

Rate me for my lock screen, wallpaper and song.

Everything is listen in order.

Morning fuckers my internet was out yesterday I'm back

Okay I did it I got rid of all the groups accidentally left a group I was in and had a panic attack if you want to put me in a group ask me please

They're too many I'm having a panic attack

If you are going to put me in a group chat please fucking ask first

I have never seen Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure but the internet has thought me that Jo Jo's music slaps harder than you mom when she sees your report card

Hello Raymond