Work In Progress in Sonic Fan Games Gamejolt

Share your creations!


1. i deleted tails

2. this montch will get revamped tails version

3. in article is spoiler about what song will be in one of battles... ( lyrics of that song )

DATASELECT screen still W.I.P.

Sonic.exe: Darkest Nightmare

I started with the reconstruction of the Sonic Rising Engine and improving it in several aspects, among some of which would be, the level design and the visual design, changing the codes and so on.


My current coding skills are immature, so I might make the most legacy sonic.exe game to learn about Clickteam.


Alright! Since many people wanted an Non-Dragable System I present you: The Dropdown System

Maybe they will be with Icons :3

mockups for Knuckles and Eggman! [ for Master of Blood ]

[ EDIT : yoo thanks for featuring the post in "The EXE Community" ]

progress on the current MoB { Master Of Blood }

i'm working on it myself rn

so eh

help wanted ig-

You wanted it you got it! >:33 Sonic IDW Update

Belle was succesfully added to the IDW Update! ^w^

(Character belongs to IDW Comics/Sega/Ian Flynn)

#Sonic #IDW #SOnicGame #SonicFangame

When you pick the worst scale ever and you're just slowly suffering while drawing

Edit: I scrapped it

many want the encore mode so I'm going to do it but it won't just be a color change it will be new levels and the bosses will have new movements in the encore mode