Share your creations!

Triple trouble (early version)

New exe or smth

Da art (btw this was supposed to release on April fools but how slow my GODDAMN PHONE IS to upload this and here we are uploaded just in April second in the night…)

Here’s an official X sprite I made for fun



Welcome to the Sonic oddities community!!!11

Since you’re new here go ahead and read out the rules!


  1. No harassment to people

  2. Follow the Game Jolt TOS

  3. Don’t be toxic and start an argument

  4. Do NOT repost your art over and over if you do they will be deleted off here

  5. No NSFW!!! You can only go up to 13+ Or 16+

  6. Last of not least Enjoy the community

@SonicFan666 owner
Report A community for about 1 month