the plan section in -The Cawthon Cult-

Wellcome to the cult we are happy to see yu

I got all the songs that people want for me to animate and with the animatronics you want but now it's going to be your guys turn!

vote in the poll below!

Β  48 votes Voting finished

Frist look at my version Freddy Fazzbear.....

Hello,sorry for the late post,i was taking a break due to problems in life,i actually came here to say that i have a new nickname and first one

I present you ✨freddles✨

I Hope you guys find it cute,and i'm not dead, im still drawing

Amazing fan art made by @Psychokinetic ,a fan art of a tiger i extremelly love,and i wonder if we can get him to 1000.... You guys know what to do...

Hello people,our channel was quiet stuck in the number exact, 380 and i wonder what other drawing you guys want me to do!

Β  21 votes Voting finished