Share your creations!

I wanted to share with you these Aran's and Toto's Posters, FNaF 3 Style

First Devlog of TDNaAAT CH 2 V2.0

I Made some TDNaAAT CH 2 Posters.

In a few days I will make a first devlog :)

Fun Fact: Shattered Aran has a loose neck and that's why he sometimes turns his head.

That's why Shattered Aran grabs his head.

TDNaAAT CH 2 page has been updated for Major Update 2.0!

I really don't understand


Hi, I wanted to let you know that I have already started working on the original soundtracks for the major update,

And I managed to make scary ambient music, here is a video of how I compose the soundtracks for the game.

Patch v1.2

The changes in version 2.0

Patch v1.1

Welcome to the official community of Those Dark Nights at Aran's and Toto's.

Bienvenido a la comunidad oficial de Esas Noches Oscuras en Aran's y Toto's.

Unete al servidor de discord de TDNaAAT

Join the TDNaAAT discord server

Post your stuff on the respective channels

Publica tus cosas en los canales respectivos


1 .nsfw forbidden

2 .no fights or polemics

3 .hate is not allowed

4. Do not offend or harass anyone

5. publish your stuff on the right channels

6. Don't be rude

7. Not N@p@r


1 .nsfw prohibido

2 .no peleas ni polémicas

3 .no se permite el odio

4. También pueden hablar español

5. No ofender ni acosar a nadie

6. publica tus cosas en los canales correctos

7. No ser Grosero

8. No N@p@r

Whoever does not follow the rules will be blocked

Quien no siga las reglas será bloqueado


Respect the community

Respetar la comunidad

@AranBucobo owner
Report A community for about 2 years