general in TheHasanGamer Community

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Happy spawn day to @Deeprezocide

My New ocs now (sorry, if looks very bad or normal or Good or almost Good I'm just a editor I'm [sometime or almost Good] artists I am just not make best art right now?)

btw follow @SilverGuy since he needs one more follow for 800

kinda ironic considering some things i won't go into detail, but the past is the past, and im already forgetting it

As you guys can see, I prepared in advance

(Thanks Manic :3)

Evet GรถrdรผฤŸรผnรผz Gibi YฤฑlbaลŸฤฑna Girdik ArkadaลŸlarฤฑm!

Holy shit, famous youtuber followed me!

Everyone do you know who is he?

Was that a dream or something?

Thank you @eliasggpro72 for gift me a best avatar frame "grayhat" and background "glitch screen"