spoky_month in The T_king_m4k community

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Update on Willow

Im making a super mario bros 4 in mario maker 2. Give me some conseps for levels.

Doors fan entite. Flagger. P2. Survive flagger by hidding under a bed. Flagger will go from 7-12 times forward and backwards. The warning is flickering lights and the light falls.


Doors try on camera.

Paint progress on Willow

Doors fan made entitie. Flagger. Flagger will run through all 100 doors in 1 millisecond and go back at the same speed 10 times untill stopping and whait 3 seconds untill starting again. More comming soon.


Progress pictures on Willow

This is what I was up to today


?Dream vs T king m4k? Slapp battles.