Project News in Beyond Darkness (Television World)

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* The Legend of the Deltarune.

* One day an Angel will fall down, and make the Underground go empty.

* already heard of the Story, did you?

* Well, what they leave out is the True meaning behind the Deltarune.

* Of Deltars... and the Ratled Ones.

Here is Maono with a Shield.

Just because lol

Hey guys, remember Rosie? Well she is getting Re-Sprited for her new Role, and here is she is!

It isnt 100 % final yet, but i feel like she is close to that. Any Tips or so to improove her Design I'm glad to hear!

The Catnits, a Weird Gang of Cats that you can encounter in Chapter 3 alongside other Characters in the Wild Dessert.

Mew Maw finaly revealed, after so much time!

What is your Opinion on the Catnits? Let us know in the Comments below!

* Lets turn these Cathode Screams into Cathode Dreams!

* With a little bit of Rooky work all can be done.

Upcomming New Character reveal for DR:BtD?

I had make multiple Titan Design on how each of them could look like, and also an entire Idea for they'r Origins.

However no Spoilers regarding that ;)

I decided to Improve Dr. Icedes Design, just because... it was a bit ugly.

(<- New ^ Old ->)

Hope you guys like this Improvement of his Design!

Okay, this is what i managed to cook up for Mikey.

I am not 100 % done with it yet, but i feel like i am doing a good Job so far, what you guys think?

For the First Post in the new Year for DR:BtD i decided to post a Re-Design for Queen for our Fangame Version of Deltarune.

I have nothing against Toby Fox's Style, i just find it a bit messy, and i prefer more cleaner Sprites.

Hope you like it!

The Cyan (Patience) and Orange (Bravery) Soul Mode will function like this:

Cyan: You have a Bar that slowly refills itself, once it's out you're stuck to stand still for a few Seconds.

Orange: Constant Moving, no stopping, dont let it hit the Walls.