game_development in Those Nights at Thomas's

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discord mode thomas and percy designs

(models by: @BlueJam HunnyBunCreator & SUPA61 i just edited them)

help wanted eh?

(also title screen and newspaper are done)

(models by @BlueJam & HunnyBunCreator I just edited them)

time to get to work!

(models by: @BlueJam & HunnyBunCreator i just edited them)

reason i haven't started the 2.0 version of tnat 1 (aka the new version of tnat 1) is because im trying to plan it and trying to decide somethings for it

help wanted eh?

new map/pizzeria location

(reason im redoing the pizzeria is because i wanna make tnat 1 not just a fnaf 1 reskin)

map by: @nightmarealex303

So I’m not gonna show who will replace golden thomas because I wanna keep that a secret until the game comes out (and also because I don’t have the model ready) but I’m pretty sure this will tell ya who it is

“the great western way”

finally got the flashlight battery to work!

Desk is done

Office and clock are done