Don't be shy. Post!

I have a small side-project in the works! Something rather useful. Here's a for now blurred sneak peak!

FIRST VERSION OUT NOW! Go check it out!

More updates coming soon, so make sure to leave your feedback and follow me and the game to be the first to know about the game's evolution! :)

Game updater done, now working on ragdolls and much more! Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee a release today or maybe even tomorrow as I planned, thanks to today's Windows breakdown. Thanks, MS.

Nonetheless, if you like what you see, consider following! :)

The release should be coming soon in the next few days!

Unfortunately, I have underestimated how much work there is to do, so I have to choose between a delay of release, or cutting certain features.

Or maybe, I'll manage to fit it all in. Please, follow!

Sneak peek of what I'm working on!

And with this post, I would like to announce that as of the 18th of May 2021, I am officially back from my break! Stay tuned and follow for more content! :)

UltraGearGames Rewind 2020 premiering in about 12 hours!


Back from the dead! At least for now.... I present to you the UGG Password Manager!

Yeah I'm pretty lost. I have a crap ton of projects, don't know what to work on, am too busy or lazy to work on any of em, and I just don't know what to do.

Some of the projects:

-A multiplayer FPS

-A TF2 Clone

-A CS clone

-Sandbox game

-Some random crap

Okay, well, the game intended to be relased is at halt in its development, as i quickly got tired of the idea. Instead, I am now making a sandbox game, but at least I can use scripts and resources from the previous game! (It was a zombie survival game)

Good news! A new game is in the works. Stay tuned!

Welcome to the UltraGearGames Community! You will find announcements, news and (maybe) devlogs and little sneak peaks! Enjoy

@UltraGearGames owner
Report A community for over 4 years