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Unsandboxed have a saving problem

[but still the best option for crappy pc like mine]





there's a bug with project serialization in unsandboxed and despite it breaking one of my projects im still too lazy to fix it. it's christmas i ain't doing treadmill work.

vid unrelated

Scratch was supposed to inherit a system from Blockly that would display "No variable selected" on variable menus.

This never comes up in normal Scratch, but when it's forced to happen, the menu creates a brand new variable instead, starting at "i".

Today's to-do list. I'm not sure I can get these done TODAY today but i'll get em done at some point.

Extension development is not what it was a year ago but these APIs are crucial for what I'm doing with Clones+ and other extensions.

Don't read this article it's scary.

Because there are going to be points where you are going to be tracking the distance of more than one clone target, clones+ will track the distance to the nearest target that fits the predicate.

Today's random fact about Scratch: there's an option for "other scripts in stage" in the control_stop block that is never used.