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Your spymistress, Thérèse, in her own words.

THE BEAST - Version 1.87 Public Release

Happy Bastille Day, everyone!

To celebrate this occasion, Antoine has provided us with this 'critique of the ruling class, in a single canto' (please understand, we tried to stop him, we really did).

Nozomi's "Zombie" storyline continues in July's release of my hypno-themed visual novel Penlight, free to download and play in English and Spanish!

#visualnovel #hypnosis #mindcontrol #other

So, what do you think? Which combination is the perfect date, to you?

In our latest Kickstarter update, peruse the latest quality of life improvements we've been adding as we polish the game!…


Selling gossip to Pierre is quite lucrative, but it can be hazardous. The more gossip you sell per day, the more likely people are to see that you're the source. This will do bad things to your reputation.

Another new quality of life update is improving the incident preview modals. The 'potential rewards list' now also shows servants you could hire in the incident, and favor you could win with potential love interests!

и так я нихера над игрой не сидел уже 4 дня пора начинать делать второй сезон

И так я над игрой 4 дня нихера не делал пора уже идти 2 сезон потроху писать