General in Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Community

Whats your favorite shoot em' up ever made? For example mine is thunder force 5! Whats yours?

Come to play TRUE GALACTIC MISSION on June 23rd at RIO RETROGAMES, in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
#TrueGalacticMission #DavilaGames #RioRetrogames #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #RioDeJaneiro #ShootEmUp #SHMUP #RetroGaming

We will be present presenting our games on June 23rd at RIO RETROGAMES @rioretrogames, in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, next Sunday.
#LunaticFighters #TrueGalacticMission #DavilaGames #RioRetrogames #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #RioDeJaneiro #RetroGaming

Come to play LUNATIC FIGHTERS on June 23rd at RIO RETROGAMES, in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
#LunaticFighters #DavilaGames #RioRetrogames #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #RioDeJaneiro #FightingGame #FightingGames #RetroGaming

Venha jogar LUNATIC FIGHTERS dia 23 de junho na RIO RETROGAMES, no Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
#LunaticFighters #DavilaGames #RioRetrogames #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #RioDeJaneiro #FightingGame #FightingGames #RetroGaming

Vai começar a campanha de pré-venda do jogo TRUE GALACTIC MISSION, nosso novo shoot 'em up para Mega Drive / Sega Genesis!
#TrueGalacticMission #DavilaGames #SGDK #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #ShootEmUp #SHMUP #RetroGaming #RetroGames

LUNATIC FIGHTERS e TRUE GALACTIC MISSION são meus jogos para Mega Drive / Sega Genesis para 2024:
#LunaticFighters #TrueGalacticMission #DavilaGames #SGDK #MegaDrive #SegsGenesis

Our second project is getting ready! TRUE GALACTIC MISSION is a new game for MEGA DRIVE and its pre-order will start on June 23th, at Rio Retrogames. Follow the link and click the "Notify me":

Follow TRUE GALACTIC MISSION on our Social Media!