Time for concepts!

We’re done! It looks so good, ty for everyone who participated! 💗 credits down below…

Well, it’s not all bad. For one thing, I published the prologue to the Vita Impura story a few minutes ago!

I can’t post a link, but my Wattpad name is AzurealianTrue if you want to find it!

I’m pretty proud of how it turned out!

The maximum coverage for the eclipse where I live is over, so here are all of my eclipse photos!

The last three were taken without the eclipse glasses on top of the lense.

New pfp for everything!

I made a Vita Impura reference sheet! This only took me an hour, and I'm really proud with how it turned out

[also there's a scheduled post at 3 pm my time]

This is the finished drawing of the one from earlier! It’s the first canonical appearance of Basroto in Blood Empire, which I started to rewatch this morning 🙂

I made a new channel for my community: music.

I'm going to try to learn to tune vocaloids this weekend, so I may post progress in that channel from now on!

This drawing has too many people so they are in the article down below.

this is going to be my new banner until I change it.

thank you to everybody who was in this project and I hope you like it.


Finished the album cover last night, but I won't release it until the song is finished as well.

[or if i give up on this project like all the rest]

This is the GJ version of Azzy's Abode!

This is where I’m going to post my projects, art concepts and random things from now on!

I have a pretty wild imagination, so this is gonna be fun…

Don’t do anything bad and you’ll be just fine

Link for Nerimity server version: https://nerimity.com/i/TaR3q

@Azurealian owner
Report A community for 7 months