Time for archiving!


…holy shit.

This is the most disturbing game I've ever seen in my almost 15 years of life. This actually made me physically ill during some of the later scenes.


Sorry, I am back now. I am friends with everybody again

…sorry about my previous post. I removed it, and I’ll atone for my actions tomorrow.

Well, I made too many mistakes on Monday, and now I have to face the music tomorrow.

#protecthare_dare, cuz people are being rude, intrusive and incomprehensible to them for some reason. I would be driven to madness if this happened to me, and I'm on @hare_dare 's side through and through.

I made a new character for my D&D club's new campaign!

His name's Ali Deben [more info in article]

So uhh…

I think I'm genderfluid.

Lately I haven't been feeling right about my gender identity, so I thought about it for a while, and...

Yeah, I think this is what's right for me.

I also made some cool art + a genderbend persona, Ali!

New character: Ř€V€ŁΔŦƗØŇ ΔǤØŇ¥

[Extra details in article]

Scheduled 1 am post

W e m u s t d i s a p p e a r

So I went to the Ren Fest for the last time this year, and I got a lot of things, including dice for my D&D club!

This is my archive community, where I put [almost] everything I post.

You can post stuff here too if you want me to see it, I don't mind.

DNI: Don't be a a-hole. Be cool. [Hopefully, you are already. ]


@Azurealian owner
Report A community for 10 months