General in The Backrooms

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Fan backrooms level + entitie. Level 6488, 45 aka night feild. Entities are smilers & scrachers + my own lighters. Lighters just wrome the feilds. Level class is a class 3 safe unsecure medium entitie count. More later.

Backrooms fan level. Level 2,1 aka finaly light. Class 0 safe secure devoid of entetys. Enter by falling asleep on level 2. Exit by either going to the end of the corridor wich is 50000 km long or jump thrue the window.

Backrooms endings.

Backrooms fan level. Level 400-400 aka darkfeilds. Their are 3 zones the normal zone class 3 unsafe unsecure medium entety count, the hot zone class 5 super hot unsafe devoid of entetys & the cold zone basicly the same as zone 2 but its cold.

Sientists have found out how to enter The perfect forest. You have to break a cart on level 9999 but the wanderers that enter the level instantly forget how they got their. The entetys are party goers, hunds, smilers, scrachers & skin stealers. No exits.

Backrooms fan level. The perfect forest aka level -999.9 The level is a class 5 uch uh i mean class 0 its perfect. Best dream super nice entetys. Enter enter your almost their just find it find the buty. Exit by... why wuld you have to know that?

Backrooms fan level + its own entety. Level v aka vains. Class 3 unsafe unsecure medium entety count. Enter by no clipping thrue a fleshy door on level 0. Exit by digging a hole in the vains and jumping in to it. The level is a maze that is 1000 km long.

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Entrens & exit. Enter by finding a black lightpole in level 1111. Exit by breaking a lightpole in haf you will be sent to level 1 or have a 10% chanse of going to level !.

Backrooms fan level + entety. Level 4528719819,1 aka lightpole after lightpole. Class 4 survival dificulty. Its about 1000000 entetys below and 1 entety made for this level caled poleguy wich is a class 6 entety. Entrens and exit in the next one.