All Posts in Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning

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Damn, this is the most accurate Baldi I’ve ever drawn.


fighting blabi in unity

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Anim8or Tutorial Part 2!
Thank you for 1k im sorry for leaving for three months tho but hey, New video :)

Final showdown.




New profile picture. What do you think?

Made by @byrainzilol


Alright everyone! Here is a clear guidance tutorial of how you use anvil studio in a banger way, I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial! (also ignore that discord tab i accidentally clicked the wrong thing)

i drew this for some reason

EN: Reject monarchy! Reject republic! Here, we support BRAZILIAN ANARCHY!!! WOHOO!

PT-BR: Rejeite a monarquia! Rejeite a república! Aqui, apoiamos a ANARQUIA BRASILEIRA! UHÚÚÚ!!!

Edit: Eu escrevi "comfrade" ao invés de "confrade"