Show & Tell in Bendy Series

"Final Destination" by Images Last.
Coding and charting by me.
All assets (BG's, some events, icons, etc.) belong to their original creators.
Mod link:


This is what Chapter 2's map will probably look like, vote what you think of it, the outcome of the votes will decide if we keep the map or change it

"The Jericho Protocol" by The Gloom In The Corner.
Coding and charting by me.
All assets (Some scripts, events, BG's, etc.) belong to their original creators.
Mod link:

We are getting flaccid.
Full thing on YouTube:

Limited edition Ink Domain merchandise is on its way

soo in dark revival we got introduced to the "transparent lost one" but he dosnt realy have a name dose he? how about a fandom will give him one? GIVE OUT YOUR SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS or just beg the fandom moderators to add a name for it