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@BenjiroBoi hampy birday boi!!!!!

second fanart i make for someone else, this one i dedicated for a guy making a whole game


Finally imported the new Layering in the game, and it works as it did before!

Now that that's done, now my priority for working on the project is getting more animations done as well as beginning on Elliott's cape and the first level!

Well I’ve officially moved into my college dorm!

And the way things are looking right now I think I’m gonna have a good year, obviously I can’t guarantee it but I’ll make it the best I can

Wait am I the only one or does the SM64 Snow theme and the Slider Theme sound similar

How did I miss that

Roses are Red

I need to say something about this games Status

Bryant’s Revenge


I still got college and stuff tho, but I’ll balance things out


Am I the only one that gets this where the same post is right under each other?

Bad News, but also Good News about this

The layering is STILL not working as intended, I have to change a few things but I still have to figure out that ONE thing,

I’m sooooo close man it HURTS