All Posts in Operation: BoomSlang!

Official community for the TopDown, TwinStick IndieGame, Operation: BoomSlang! created by Skermunkel

Operation: BoomSlang! is now available on the Indie.AF Store in it's Beta Phase, with the Full Release coming very soon!

Can't wait to see the crazy strategies everyone comes up with :)

Enjoy that CHAOS!!!

Upcoming Updates:

v0.7: Bot Support, Online Multiplayer support and much more content.

v1.0: Initial Full Release, Keyboard + Mouse Support, Final Core Content and Single-Player Campaign.

v1.1: Cross-Platform Multiplayer and Custom Character Creation.

v0.5: New Arena, Match Mutator System, Multiplayer Scoreboard and a bunch of fixes and tweaks. Controller Input is still required for proper gameplay, KB + Mouse support coming soon.

Next Update: Bot Support, Online Multiplayer, new content and more.

Any topics or discussions unrelated to Operation: BoomSlang! can be posted in this section.

Post all of your kick-ass match recordings, let's plays and streams of Operation: BoomSlang! over here, then everyone can gauk at yout Mad Skillz!

Or if you wanna share some funny moments or anything cool you did in the game, you can do that too :)