Doodles / sketches in πŸ“¦ || BOXZEE'S COMMUNITY

Please post in the right channels! β˜†

How should we call this chad?

(yes, this is Sonic with Shadic spikes, Mario cap and Eggman pants, I didn't came up with anything original again)

random doodle fan art of John Doe that lives on my wall β˜•πŸŽ€


I yoinked @BOXZEE brush

And this doodle is my reaction on yoinking and using it >:D

Omg it work with other colors

So i found a random tutorial on Pinterest on this cool looking style and i ofc wanted to try it and looks awesome

Here is the link if you want to try:

It was about on IbisPaint X, maybe you can try on other apps to see if it works

the bf for my fnf mod

Drowning High Five meme but with Snalky and Liquos

How am i not allowed to be on the white?

uno after preforming surgery at the sleepover

i'm late to the party @BOXZEE

oh well