General in Climbing Hub

Share your climbs!

Just a photo I really like from this one 30 foot climb I did


Another very fun climb I’ve done in Hueco was this V5-V6 called “Moonshine Roof” that was pretty long and super fun. We arrived at the end of the day so I was pretty tired but after reading it and getting some beta I managed to send within 3 tries!


My third time climbing outdoors and I did a V7 in Texas! This was my last attempt on the climb before we left so I needed to make it work, and I did! So much fun here in Hueco Tanks and I can’t wait to do more!

Would you guys like if I posted more climbing videos? It’s something different that nobody is doing on this platform and I enjoy it


should I post more climbing videos? not gaming anymore but I still want to do stuff on here and people seem to like it


im bored in school so more videos


More footage of me going outside 😮


So… I decided to go outside

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! Have an amazing day and make sure to spend time with your family :)