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I just finished the entire 3d model for him. I will be showing more antagonist models later. Befor yall question how a 3d model is going to be in scratch. I'm just doing so it looks cooler for example this game did

Sprites is a 3d horror game series I'm making and the first game will be submitted here sometime next year probably.

It is the first horror game made using shockwave 2

Some new demo map running in 50-200 fps with bad PC.

I am reworking lights to have a shadows :

Here is 2D example

Main project : Elite

Side project : untitled 2d game

(i need more time for brutality it will be released next year sorry)

Read article for more info!


I completely remade saturn (to save performance, add shadow and generally better graphics).

So... New tutorial on my channel coming soon...


I added Saturn. It laggs when recording but without recording I didn't have any laggs. I hope I'll find some other performance fixes in the future.

This person used sw2 pistol and d7elite gun

I just published my Scratch 3D engine on Gamejolt!
If someone want to try it: or if you want the spyro castle:


I added weapon/gear switching. It's still unfinished, but the basics are working. You can control what rotation it's going by turning the mouse wheel up or down.