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Mosin Nagant rifle. I'll be adding ammo and optics shortly; Also, I haven't drawn the hand that pulls the bolt back yet so it might look weird lol.

just a reminder that submissions should only be used for project previews, project releases, development videos and such. the art coming through is great but please make sure to put them in comments please

Yall like the room for my game. Pretty good map right?

i remade my mosin sprite with a new animation which i am very proud of and i posted it in a thing. im not sure what to call it.

Some art I did for Earthquake, this is maybe best game I have worked on besides mine 2019 and 2020 games (they are nostalgia and good games).


Little video of what you can do in Earthquake

I made this while bored and making enemies for earthquake.

I like it, Earthquake supports some really nice and cool effects with new Elite's options!

So Right now in elite when you kill an enemy it turns cuts into 4-more parts and bounces on objects!



skeuomorphic camera i tried to do using scratch, do something with it idk