
damn it i went for the realistic hair color again this seems to be a trend.

the fallen humans resting places.

even though it is a talent it is also a curse god damn you asgore lmao.

but should i though colorize the intro especially asgore??

I wish Undertale had a Online Pvp Vs PVE Fangame where Competitors would Fight each other or fight with Bots programmed by Developer.

And so Get Rewards For Specific LV and such.

Called - Undertale:Ranked Play.


so the worst thing happened last night with a sprite sheet i fixed it but i almost threw my laptop cause of the corrupted file but hey here is the sprite sheet for the last set of pacifist ceroba colorized only give me credit for the colorized version if

Look at him

So 30 percent of Cerobas’ pacifist is done but my main issue is the tails getting them colorized is fun but the sprites do they looks good when you saw the presentation or did it look way out of the style or have I achieved the definitive look?

I'm going to draw Sans and maybe today I finish it

Just finished Undertale Yelow

Aaah my heart is a-melting good fubbing job @TeamUTY This feels like the most labour-of-love game i've ever played, mad respect for your efforts. ACTL ARTISTS OVER HERE