All Updates in Goreside Devlog

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Goreside Devlog #6:

Not much to show right now, but here’s a mock-up screenshot of how I would overall like the final game to look. (Apologies for the poor quality.)

Goreside Devlog #5:

I’ve got the computer I need and have been practicing programming! I’ve gotten a feel for the final color palette I would like for the entirety of the game, and the world map is in progress.

Goreside Devlog #4 : New designs for two of the main monsters! Next is the player characters redesigns, then finalizing the chosen mechanics and story.

Goreside Log #3: Redesigns of the “Guardians” of the game. Won’t be able to get a computer for at least a few more months, so I’ll tidy up the plan and designs I have in mind + preparing for making the pixel art of the game.

Goreside Log #2

More proof of concept/ creature and character designs. Will need to get a new computer charger before beginning programming.

I’m wondering if a tile set would be needed for parts of the visuals…