Doodles / W.I.P / Studies in 🤠 DK's Partners 🤠

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I take so long to do this drawing.... I know.... But I get exhausted very easily in these days. But I'm fine !

I really feel a bit unmotivated sometimes to continue and I've to force myself sometimes to finish these drawings.

Yeah.... Hard..

^ Y'all are literally killing me with all the support

850+ followers is insane, ty 💕

Howdy!! More of my drawing! I'm workin' on an old drawing of mine, literally old! It was one of my first HeckSoul creations and I did the sketch and I'm impressed with the result.

And it's goin' to be a complete art. Not just a simple drawing.

I wonder.... what I'm cookin' ?

I missed drawing my little ghost. So I decided to take another old drawing and work on it with a more dynamic pose.

I reckon you'll like it!

[This post will also be on Twitter and Instagram.]