DK Events/Challenges in 🤠 DK's Partners 🤠

Share your creations!


Happy MerMAY!!

MerMAY month is comin' to an end, so I couldn't pass it up! So I made myself a mermaid and was it the way I asked ? I couldn't find out where Ariel was... How sad...

We're 800+10 followers?!!! I can't believe it!

HOWDY PARTNERS!!! Gy is back!

Joint drawing with @raixeer_pt64 !!

I'm glad I did this drawing with ya!

Even though it took a while on my part, it all worked out in the end :)

I hope y'all like, pals!!

Howdy Folks!!!

Yep! I'm in the final of the GJC's community ! If you haven't already your vote, GO THERE AND VOTE FOR ME <3…

Your vote helps a lot!!! Please , partners !!

Howdy!!! My lil' partner kitty @SplatTheCat , you're so cute !! What do you think of my muscles? I'm not much of a bodybuilder, but I'd definitely love to join your #GJC1000 banner!!!

And How's goin' your day today , pals?

#JoltShot Here! My interface in my Ching-ome :) (Please, I make jokes like that from time to time, don't be offended!) Changing the subject! Look how beautiful my screen phone are! Have you seen the artwork I did for @Starbruhz ? Check it out ! Article!