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u hear them go back they NOW

guys u hear them do it now

Alright, it's been a month since the last devlog and I feel like I should write at least something.

The remaster is going good, progress is being made, slowly but surely.
If I feel like sharing anything new, I will, though I don't wanna spoil too much

to be honest, all of them would be chaotic except probaly dee and ze helth enspectorè


Obligatory #FixTF2 post

You know the deal, Team Fortress 2 is plauged by bots, and we want Valve to finally do something about them

Spread the word and sign the petition linked above!
(There's also more info on the website)

I might give you all a small update soon

Sorry for all the silence lately btw, I just didn't really have anything important to post

I've decided to show you all the new look of the map of the top floor, so here it is:

(I'm going to post the new look of the bottom floor map soon as well, probably in a few days)

The game link has been changed, here's the new one:

The game's resolution is being changed to 816x624