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Drawtale Chapter 1: Scarf-boy Makes An Appearance

Part 1/8

I’m cancelling Drawtale to make room for a new au.

Drawtale: Chronicles of The Underground


The Announcement.
Happy new years guys!I’m very proud to say that the official Drawtale comic will be released this year! Well not the entire thing- just bits of it yknow? The...


This is Drawtale have fun with the lore


1.) Only au related posts are allowed here. This is just so I can only see fan stuff already filtered for me.

2.) If you plan on making fanart that’s suggestive, ask me first please. I don’t wanna see weird stuff without my permission

3.) Respect each others opinions. You may not agree with them but don’t harass them because they’re not the same as you. Unless it’s actually something really bad.

4.) Have fun! I didn’t know that I would actually create a community for my goofy au so I’d like everyone here to have a good time.

@SkelProductions owner
Report A community for 5 months