Creations in Five Nights at Maggie's

Welcome to the Five Nights at Maggie's Community!

Wow my shorts are starting to pick up in views and if you haven't seen it here's the link

Also I'm not just doing Plush videos now there are some other stuff I wanna do like Gaming, or Animations a d maybe Reactions

Does anyone know an editor or can edit themselves also I recently released a short on my channel so go check it out

Block My Fortnite Girlfriend // Gacha Meme // FNAM: The McAdams Family // Alexander's Gacha World
#block #fortnite #girlfriend#gacha #gachaclub #gachameme #fnam #fivenightsatmaggies #themcadamsfamily#alexandersgachaworld Jason McAdams You Done It Now!

DEVLOG | April


I moving to SFM for now

0.9.0 Release Notes + C4D v1 and v2 Character Models Release!

Wait for tomorrow to get a new update!


I'm changing my youtube channel name to Catnap785_FILMS I don't know if I will make that my Gamejolt username yet but I half to wait 5 days for youtube to let me