Talking in -Flawless- Community!


Here's a wacky Sneak Peak of the actual upcoming demo for my friends very epic mod (I work on it)

1.0.1 Patch: Ok so I may or may not have rushed the release of this game a bit and as a result there have been a lot of oversites found. All of the ones I know about have been fixed in this patch

How the hell did some people find this community, I don't remember posting anything about it

chapter 2 has already been released enjoy

well the game is ready, and a curiosity the game has Trophies my friend

and yes I'm already going to post one of the models of the endless nightmare because this project has been ready for a long time but I'm improving some things

well this game was my first masterpiece, so then i thought of creating crazy night and then clastrophobia and now i'm finally finishing my first project