Share your creations! Keep them related to FNaC!

An Update!

Remake | I loved that you liked the original render, you may not like it as much as the original, but I had fun making this little remake
Models by: Ludomcraft (Deviantart)
Port by: JenniferAfton (Deviantart) ]
Retex by: Napstagod (me|pirvate)

Withered the rat fnac 2 cosplay


First drawing of the year. Fazbear Fanverse Initiative!!
I hope you like the result. Soon I will publish the Speedart.

I made this render out of boredom.
Models: https://www.deviantart.com/andreaafton/art/Ludomcrafts-FNaC-R-Ca…

It'll make sure you won't be able to sleep ever again.
(This is a reupload since I noticed I didn't post it in the community)


My Pixel-art of Blank.
I know he looks boxy and like he's sweating.
I tryed my best.