screenshots in Five Nights At Freddy's Fan Community

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Baby boi

Happy new year !

Credit to FireFoop on r/fivenightsatfreddys

And, as I'm sure you can see...

As I'm sure you're aware...

But the question remains...

Game progress is coming along really well!
Half the enemies are coded, most of the graphics are finished, and the rooms are being reworked to be properly functional with the enemy positions!

Finished most of the graphics and technically have the game halfway to completion! Just gotta resort things more.

Update: I have all the graphics for the closet made, most of it programmed, got half the ai for night 1 done, and programmed a mostly functioning door for the closet

Also, because I'm aware I have 2 other projects that have been completely dead for the past four years and had no meaningful progress to them, whatsoever, here's proof this one's actually being made!
Apologies for my flakiness in the past lol


I can confirm, you can finally beat the entire game without having to pray to the RNG Gods 7 times in a row

Expect the patch to release tomorrow!