Fanart in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

Sup. I got a new game coming out in a few days from now to celebrate the fnas anniversary since i am a little late to it. been working on this for months. the cam ui is a placeholder but its suppose to be a nice little game. a character selection too.

Clone Sonic "Tune-Up!" + Other Additions
#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #EntertainEntrapment #Horror #Fancomic #Fangame #ArtWork #Art

Happy 10 Years (and 3 days...) of FNAS! To celebrate, I want to show off my own take of the FNAS Series: Five Nights at Sonic's: Rock Out!

I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.

The most feared Character in Fierce Forces (Article)
And the correct choice of the Character from the poll was... Not
Shadow Sonic "Midnight-Up!"
#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #HushNHustle #AureateAfterglow #Horror #ArtWork #Art

Who wants they OC as a smiling critter
Comment :but if you don't have a OC no
:But if you have a OC yes

FNaS Missfits!

Remade a old concept

Happy birthday knuckle head my fav sonic character