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title screen for fnas 2 dme is done (code wise at least)

So I have a funny story that happened to me today while playing Fnas 2 so Taingle has got in my office around 1 AM and I didn’t get killed until 5 AM and Taingle wasn’t even the one that killed me Toy Yoshi was

Español:Feliz Navidad Algo Tarde Pero Igual Espero Que Lo Pasen Bien Y Gracias Por El Apoyo Del Dibujo Anterior :D

English:Merry Christmas A Little Late But Still I Hope You Have A Good Time And Thanks For The Support Of The Previous Drawing :D

Making good progress with fnas 2 dme!

decided to start work on fnas 2 dme

version 1.0.1 of fnas 1 discord mode edition is here

-made power faster

-fixed golden sonic killing you out of nowhere

-fixed night 5 screen not taking you to the acutal night

after the long wait five nights at sonic's 1 discord mode edition is here!!!

coded the power in survival night where every 5 minutes you get power

fnas 1 dme is almost done it should come out in an hour or 2

All AI’s are done all that’s needed left to do is the custom night stuff and survival night and then I’m done