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power in fnas 1 dme recoded is done

all cameras for fnas 1 dme recoded are done

So @SanduArnaut has returned to this game as the artist for it and here’s the new thumbnail

So while playing maniac mania (original) I was doing the challenge puppet play when out of no where I heard the night 8 phone call from fnas 2 play has that Easter egg ever happened to you while playing maniac mania since that’s the first I’ve seen it

Camera flipping in fnas 1 dme is done

Doors lights and clock in fnas 1 dme recoded are done

added some images to the description

starting the office

so since im using gamemaker studio i've decided to recode fnas 1 dme and here is what the title screen looks like

So I redownloaded gamemaker studio onto the new pc