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Rockclones RPG Clonesonic and Clone Mario vs Robo toad boss fight

Finally,the promised game page

But,not every thing is done there

But please,enjoy the design for clones

Its very close to the update

Just one more day

(Art is drawn by @supermelquiworld ,thanks for allowing to post it)

last progress post was 2 months ago.

i'll have a surprise later in the future...

Less than week is left before i finally do game page for MSAK

I don't understand it. Why they cancelled to Put Nightmaric In Fnas 4 as a Attacker.

I mean they could do a Night 7(Nightmare/Nightmaric) For Nightmaric. -_-

Three more Images from the internet!

Note: I do NOT own the art of the character in the second slide.

Why did you have to cancel the game @SherryZMax ? WHY?! IT WAS A GOOD GAME MAP ON ROBLOX!!

Oh wow


That wasnt expected to appear

But i will keep my promise

*Cough Cough*

On 1st June this year: the first game for the franchise will appear in profile and it will be a fnas fangame (c-side if its not taken)

Or in simple:Wait fot MSAK

Well,i am bored

Maybe its time to read newspaper i found

Hmm,it says: In new Knuckles And Spaghettiria there is a search for nightguard

Ehh,what can go wrong,right?