BRACKING NOOS in D4d's Sandwich

I Put In Extra Cheese Just For, You....

[You should check this out! If you do @D4dgaming_ would be really happy! :D]
[But if you cannot it's ok!]

Five Nights at Freddy's 3: Cremated Casting Call

Bear5 in Five Nights at Freddie's 3 Creamated LEACKED!!!!!!!!111!!111111!!!! (Real) Join @D4dgaming_ 's discord server, maybe you'll see me more active there
Edit: Please only like this post if you're actually going to join the server

Question to one and all? Are you an artist? Yes? No? Doesn't matter! You see my friend @D4dgaming_ needs drawings for the game he's working on called cremated!
[Please look in the article for more information!]