your art in crooked tails 16+ tomfoolery

Share your creations!

Jane Writing!

The guys in Jurassic Park!

хотел нарисовать что-то и моя в голове был БОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ идея и вот как он выглядит

I wanted to draw something and I had a DIVINE idea in my head and this is what it looks like

"Do you want a large pizza or smol?"

banjet in his lil jammies (cute agression alert)

"Yarbles, Viddy Thi Yarbels!"

I tried to make a Protogen head

I love protogens

нарисовал какой-то челик бляэ...

some fu**ing dude drew this....

The guys at the Korova MilkBar!

Fun Fact: Dex used to be friends with Bill Cipher, when the Nightmare Realm was still around.